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Brooks Ann McKinney


Secretary , Board of Directors


Brooks Ann McKinney, Secretary
Triad HealthCare Network/Cone Health, Greensboro
Hospitals in Greensboro, NC. Her career began over 20 years ago as a case manager in emergency shelters which evolved into administration and development of projects including medical respite care, permanent supportive housing, and a federal grant approval for a new FQHC/HCH clinic with outreach sites in public housing. She is on the board of directors also for the National Health Care for the Homeless Council(NHCHC), Chair of the Respite Care Providers Network(RCPN), and other grassroots efforts to advocate for housing and healthcare solutions. Her current role under the ACO umbrella is to successfully implement coordination of care models and increase collaboration between the hospital, community providers, faith-based organizations, and public housing entities, with goals of ending homelessness and eliminating barriers for those in poverty.