13 Articles Found

Transformation of North Carolina's System of Services for Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse

This is a draft of the State Strategic Plan for 2007-2010. As directed by the General Assembly through HB 2077, the Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, and Substance Abuse Services has undertaken the development of a three-year strategic plan specifying how State and local resources shall be organized and used to provide mental health, developmental disabilities and substance abuse services.   This plan is considerably different from previous state plans. The focus of this plan is on five strategic objectives and associated action steps to be accomplished during the next three years. The plan identifies milestones for each action step for determining progress made and measures to determine the effects on consumer outcomes and system performance. Through discussions with consumers and families, providers, advocates, and leaders of Local Management Entities, the Division has identified these objectives as being the …

2006 NC Homeless Point in Time Count

The N.C. Interagency Council for Coordinating Homeless Programs sponsored a third annual point-in-time survey on January 15, 2006. The survey was conducted in over 80 counties. It provides a conservative, but defensible, unduplicated count of people who were homeless in our state on one given night. The survey found that there were 9,521 people identified as homeless, including at least 2,490 persons in families, 1,333 of which were children. This is a decrease over the 2004 count, partially attributable to non-participation by some local community agencies. However, in other cases, local decreases may be the result of new initiative connected to Ten-Year Plans to End Homelessness. View the full report in PDF : 2006 Point-in-Time Count