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Veteran Homelessness in the Balance of State

The BoS Veteran Subcommittee is working to help implement the BoS plan to end Veteran homelessness and will provide oversight on the Regional Committee plans as well. The subcommittee's members include staff from SSVF providers, HUD-VASH, VA Medical Centers, and VISN-6, as well as Regional Committee representatives. More information can be found on the subcommittee webpage

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The Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) program provides housing assistance and supportive services to homeless veterans and their families. There are multiple SSVF providers within the Balance of State CoC. Please refer to the map below to locate providers in your area.

Current SSVF Providers - Coverage Map

VOA SSVF Referral Form

United Way of Forsyth SSVF Referral Form


NC BoS Veteran Resources by Region