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BoS Permanent Supportive Housing Subcommittee

The Permanent Supportive Housing Subcommittee is for agencies that are running or are interested in running PSH programs. All CoC grantees that receive PSH funding should participate in this subcommittee.

7.12.16 Meeting

Meeting Slides
Topics: CoC role and grantee responsibilities, HUD and CoC oversight, best practice program design, program and system performance

5.16.16 Meeting

Meeting Slides
Topic: Landlord engagement with PSH programs

2.5.16 Meeting

Meeting Slides
Topic: Targeting and Key Program presentation

11.16.15 Meeting

Meeting Slides
Topic: Improving employment outcomes and the NC Supported Employment Program

11.17.14 Meeting

Meeting Slides
Topic: Homeless definition and chronic homeless prioritization

8.18.14 Meeting

Meeting Slides
Topic: Prior residence, increasing clients' income and obtaining mainstream benefits

5.12.14 Meeting

Meeting Slides
Strategic Planning Objectives from the 2014-2015 CoC Application
Topics: Increasing progress towards ending chronic homelessness and increasing housing stability

2.10.14 Meeting

Meeting Slides
Topic: 2013 CoC project application scores

11.12.13 Meeting

Meeting Slides
Topic: PSH measures on the CoC scorecard