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2018 CoC Application

2018 Application

The materials below are from the 2018 CoC funding application.
Please note the 2018 application is closed. These materials are provided for reference only.

The Balance of State is required by HUD to post the full CoC application and project priority listing prior to submission in esnaps.

2018 materials will be posted here as available. 

CoC Application posted 10.1.2018

Project Priority Listing posted 10.1.2018

RFP Announcement 12.7.2018

Partners BHM, Partners Consolidated Renewal 2018, NC0042L4F031710

The North Carolina Balance of State CoC (NC BoS CoC) seeks interest for the transfer of the following existing Continuum of Care permanent supportive housing grant: Partners BHM, Partners Consolidated Renewal 2018, NC0042LF031710

Counties served: Burke, Catawba, Iredell, Yadkin and Surry

Budget: $245,315

Units: 26 units and 45 beds were proposed in the last grant.  There are currently 33 units being served.

Grant operating year: 04/01/2019-3/31/2020 (FY2018 renewal)


Instructions for Submitting a Proposal

Applicant agencies must submit the relevant materials listed below. All materials must be submitted online: LINK TO SUBMISSION FORM.


Letter of Intent: Due January 31, 2019 at 6:00 p.m.

All applicants must submit a Letter of Intent

Additional Documents: Due January 31, 2019 at 6:00 p.m.

Applicants that do not have an existing CoC-funded PSH grant must submit the following items:

  • A Written Proposal.The Written Proposal asks questions regarding the following:
    • Capacity to manage federal funds and leverage other sources of funding
    • Experience serving homeless populations
    • Adherence to the Housing First model and other best practices
    • Plans to provide housing and services to program participants
  • Organizational chart
  • Nonprofits only: agency budget
  • Nonprofits only: if the agency has had an audit, an audit letter stating that the agency has had an audit and summarizing any findings.
  • Nonprofits only: financial statements from the most recent fiscal year, including a profit & loss statement.


In preparation for the 2018 CoC competition, NCCEH staff hosted a webinar for agencies that are interested in applying for new projects. This webinar explained the CoC competition application process and requirements. New CoC Grantee Webinar

Balance of State agencies that are interested in applying for new (not renewal) funds in the 2018 CoC competition are asked to fill out the Intent to Apply form. It is mandatory that all agencies wanting to apply for new CoC funding complete an Intent to Apply this year. The deadline to apply is 1 week after the release of the CoC Competition Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA). 2018 Intent to Apply Form

 The 2018 Funding and Performance Subcommittee created the CoC Funding Priorities and the NC BoS CoC Steering Committee approved them in May 2018. 2018 CoC Funding Priorities
The scorecards are used by the Project Review Committee to score and rank project applications. All applicant agencies should read the scorecards to ensure they understand the requriements, expectations, and priorities for project applications. Scorecards: Renewal     New

2018 materials will be posted here as available. 


Project Application Instructions: New Projects
Provides detailed instructions for all materials that must be submitted for new projects. 


Project Application Instructions: Renewal Projects
Provides detailed instructions for all materials that must be submitted for renewal projects. 


Grantee Certification
ALL applicants must complete this form and submit it with their application.


Determination of Certification with State Consolidated Plan
ALL applicants must complete this form. It is submitted to the State to determine whether projects are consistent with the goals of the State Consolidated Plan. 

Public Housing Authorities should fill out the "Form for PHAs." All other agencies should fill out the "Form for non-PHAs."

ONLY Applicants from communities with a Local Consolidated Plan

  • Any applicant whose agency is located in a jurisdiction that has a local Consolidated Plan must submit a Consolidated Plan Certification (HUD-2991) signed by a representative of the local plan. This certification states that the project’s goals and activities are consistent with the goals of the local Consolidated Plan.
  • HUD’s listing of local Consolidated Plans in North Carolina can be viewed on their website.
  • Applicants who are not located in an area with a local Con Plan do not need to submit this form.

Permanent Supportive Housing Form
Applicants requesting PSH grants must complete this form and submit it with their application.


Rapid Re-Housing Form
Applicants requesting RRH grants must complete this form and submit it with their application.


New Project Thresholds Form
Applicants requesting new projects must submit this form regarding threshold requirements on the scorecard.


New Project Standards Form
Applicants requesting new projects must submit this form regarding standard questions on the scorecard.


Application materials must be submitted using the links below. Refer to the Project Application Instructions posted above to ensure you are submitting all required materials for each deadline. All deadlines end at 6:00 p.m. 

Links will posted here as available.

7.26.18 Deadline

8.9.18 Project Review Committee Deadline

8.9.18 NCCEH Staff Deadline


2018 materials will be posted as available. 

Esnaps Explainer 

This is a step-by-step guide to completing the project application in esnaps (HUD's online application system).


Match Explainer

This document explains the eligible sources and needed documentation for match. 


2018 Grant Inventory Worksheet (GIW)

The GIW lists all projects eligible for renewal in the 2018 application. Agencies may only renew for the budget amounts and unit configurations listed in the GIW.

The Scorecard Committee, composed of representatives from BoS Regional Committees and staffed by NCCEH, meets each year to create the scorecards used for scoring new and renewal project applications. Minutes from the 2018 Scorecard Committee meetings will be posted below.

Request for Scorecard Committee Representatives (online form)

Meeting Minutes

5.30.2018 Minutes

6.6.2018 Minutes

6.15.18 Minutes

The Project Review Committee, composed of representatives from BoS Regional Committees and staffed by NCCEH, is responsible for scoring project applications and creating the ranked list of projects that is presented for Steering Committee approval.

Request for Project Review Committee Members (online form)

New Scorecard for PRC Members

Renewal Scorecard for PRC Members

PRC Orientation 8.8.2018 (posted 6.26.2018)

Slides  Recording  Minutes

PRC Scoring and Ranking 8.29.2018 (posted 9.4.2018)

Slides  Minutes

PRC Appeals 9.7.2018 (posted 9.11.2018)


Materials from previous Balance of State CoC applications have been archived for reference.