In May 2015, the Balance of State CoC Restructuring Workgroup was formed to explore a more effective model for Regional Committee structure. The workgroup met numerous times to discuss and develop specific recommendations regarding Regional Committee responsibilities, leadership, and geographic coverage. 

Please find the proposal documentation, timeline and feedback form below. 

Regional Committee Restructuring Proposal

Final Restructuring Proposal and Map (approved by BoS Steering Committee June 7, 2016)
Regional Committee Restructuring Proposal - revised from feedback (May 2016) View proposal
Regional Committee Restructuring Proposed Map - revised from feedback (May 2016) View map
Draft Restructuring Proposal and Map
Regional Committee Restructuring Proposal - original (March 2016) View proposal
Regional Committee Restructuring Proposed Map - original (March 2016) View map 


Feedback Timeline

Date Task
March 4th Present proposal to Regional Lead Meeting
April 5th Present proposal to Balance of State Steering Committee
March & April Regional Committees discuss proposal and submit feedback form
April 30th Regional Committee feedback forms due
May Restructuring Workgroup to review and incorporate feedback into final proposal
June 7th Present final proposal to BoS Steering Committee for a vote

Feedback Form and Submission Instructions

Regional Committee Feedback Form (due April 30)  Download form

Please download the form to complete with feedback on the proposal. Only one form per Regional Committee should be submitted. Upload submissions here

Restructuring Support Materials

FAQs Document View pdf